You may not believe in gravity, but gravity believes in you. Actually, gravity does really care one way or the other.

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Governor Newsome signed a bill that adds an offshore wind surcharge to California power bills. There are several massive offshore wind projects proposed for the California coast. Due to interconnection delays they won’t be operational until 2030 or so. Will they ever get built? Probably depends on how big the subsidies get.

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It is impossible to service 8 billion people on the planet with wind and solar.

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Good column!

So glad I haven't been tempted to invest with wind or solar companies.

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I think you don't understand my unique circumstance. If you look at things in an extremely simplistic fashion and misuse words as I have and other folks do who create word salads to explain illogical positions, it will all make sense.

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A lot of renewable projects are supported by contract for differences (CfD) in Europe with a fixed price for 15/20 years. It is essentially a fixed-rate long-term bond; no wonder why Ofsted is trading like US regional banks

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The mechanisms they dream up to make believe wind/solar are “cheaper!” and the names and acronyms they give these schemes are maddeningly classic…

“Levelized Cost” of Energy..

“Social Cost” of Carbon

“Feed in” “Tariffs”

Contract for Difference


(Bull feces all of it…)

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I could say something like, "The wind industry is good at blowing smoke up your skirt", or, "What a bunch of blowhards", or "Thar She Blows!", but I'll just say thank you for another good piece illustrating the larceny of the green transition pirates. May they sink to the bottom!

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Ha! Thanks!

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By the sound of it, if you take away government subsidies the wind industry would blow apart.

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If you took them away, we suspect most of them would never get built to even get blown apart.

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Glorious encapsulation of the wind boondoggle. Fortunately for Biden and his band of idiot greenies, he can just whip out another executive order to free up more of my money to be given to Orsted, Vesta and other grifts. I wonder if the IRS would accept the explanation of exogenous circumstances for me not paying my taxes. Maybe it's worth a try.

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It may get you out of your local jury duty. But not likely to succeed with IRS.

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But, I mean....the circumstances are exogenous.

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Exogenous only explains why you get a threatening letter with penalties included for a filing you made where the date the check cleared preceded the date of the threatening letter.. (yeah, happened to us… twice in last three years…).

Uh, yeah. “Exogenous circumstances.. uh, Covid-19(84)…”.

It works one way only. Exogenous for me but not for thee…

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“In 2009, Denmark was host to the annual UN “Conference of the Parties” (COP-15) meeting on climate change.”

That was a fun party for our overlords. Denmark ran out of parking spots for all the private jets, and they had to park many of their clean, green billionaire buses in neighboring countries.

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That was a fun time. Right when "ClimateGate" broke. We know one of the climate scientists whose positions changed after those emails become public. When she saw how colleagues she'd worked with and trusted to be objective behaved when challenged, it was the beginning of the end for her.

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Who is Warren Buffett?

In 2014, Berkshire Hathaway (parent of Iowa wind power firm Mid-America Energy) CEO Warren Buffett said (emphasis added):

"On wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit."

Excellent article from environMental on Substack. Engaging and enlightening. One person asked “There’s no easy answer, or ‘clean alternative’ is there?”

That person should know that the history of oil, coal and natural gas were not easy. Oil and coal are far easier and cleaner now than they were at the start of industrialization. Thousands of men died in mines. The idea of fracking was born in 1862, yes, 1862. The first commercially viable fracking operation came on stream in the early 2000s.

Your title, “Hurricane Reality” is particularly apt. It compares most favorably with what could be classified as the Jiminy Cricket syndrome, also known by its title song;

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

It’s heroic to fight an enemy who doesn’t believe in facts. You probably know that, too. Keep up the great work.

Oh, and to answer the initial question, you may agree that Warren Buffett is a relative of Orren Boyle.

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Well he's a helluva lot more successful looter than Boyle ever was. And to my knowledge has has not had a mental breakdown and is currently sitting in a psych ward weaving baskets as "industrial therapy".

But, it doesn't change what he proudly proclaimed as his reason for building these Rube Goldberg machines.

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For sure ;-).

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You've give a brilliant, concise analysis of the 'renewable energy' debacle. Playing the market manipulative game has a cost that destroys. Reality gets even.

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That is very true, but if no one is paying attention, reality is ignored. And right now, no one is paying attention. Sad!!!!!

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Patience. As bad as we allowed this to get, it won't be fixed overnight.

But, the tree is wobbly. And there are some strong men with good axes hammering that tree with sharp blows. It'll fall.

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Someone wise once said, "You can ignore reality but you won't avoid suffering the consequences of evading reality."

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One of our personal favorites...

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Good article. An observation .. the text in the tables can’t be read as it’s black on black.

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(Thx, we see one that’s squirrelly so far and will fix. )

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So the climate imperialists will just find a way to crush the economy again, this time with a climate lockdown

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Not likely. Too few people fear imminent death from “climate change” to fall for that.

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In my opinion, the Root cause of the "Renewables Madness" is Public Indoctrination and misinformation on energy, compounded by poor energy education. Worse yet, the non energy savvy politicians are either funded by Environmental NGO's or they are recycled from environmental activist groups. Here is my take on this: http://dickstormprobizblog.org/2023/09/21/please-wake-up-america-your-energy-and-electricity-generation-reliability-are-at-risk/

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All of those are factors.

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That describes canada current government

Radicals and activists

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An unfortunate reality. Sans some of the representatives from AB, SK and maybe MB.

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Yes, the places that face actual existential threats from "climate" every winter, not fake pretend emergencies.

Its amazing how actual issues focus you.

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There's no easy answer, or "clean" alternative, is there? The answer I believe lies in each of us being more self-sustaining, and using less.

This doesn't mean using electric cars, which pillage the Earth for precious metals, create electrical pollution, and exacerbate cancers for the drivers through their magnetic fields:


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Everything involving energy involves trade offs. No free lunches, no zero impact alternatives.

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