I had an epiphany last month when I discovered Doomberg. I'm happy I found you too. The world needs more cool heads that don't deny climate change, but just ask for a calculated approach.

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First, I'd like to thank evironMENTAL for subscribing to my own collection of Substack essays. I've been on the platform since December 26, 2022 and the collection of writers (Doomberg, Roberty Bryce, environMENTAL, etc.) dealing with topics at the intersection of energy, environment, and economics is first rate. My goal for 2024 is to continue to contribute to this effort, and to entertain along the way.

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Just discovered this wonderful stack. Great to see, as Roger Scruton observed, that environmental matters are not the sole preserve of the political Left - and never have solely been.

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Jan 3Liked by environMENTAL

New subscriber but love y’all’s content. I would love to see y’all do a Bitcoin and energy article. I know the Bitcoin culture can be a bit toxic but beyond the trolls there are many engineers, financial gurus, entrepreneurs, etc. who have made strong cases for its continued growth and development. Ironically, these groups of people brought me to Substack through Doomberg.

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Jan 3Liked by environMENTAL

Please keep posting. Yours is one of the few substacks I read and I look forward to more articles.

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Jan 1Liked by environMENTAL

Such great work you’re doing, keep shining the disinfectant of light on the dark visions the ecology movement has descended into. I’m a retired physician and depressed at the harm DEI (Discrimination, Exclusion, and Indoctrination ) is doing to corrupt the compassionate delivery of medical care. I have cut off all giving to my undergraduate and medical school and told the schools the reason ....they could care less. But I have to stand up for what I believe is right. However I am heartened at efforts people like you are making for a science-based, economically-sound, human- flourishing approach to energy policy. Substack is an oasis of sanity in sea of depraved dying legacy media outlets. Where else could I find such luminaries as yourself, Robert Bryce, Robert Pielke, Alex Epstein, The Free Press, Doomberg, Michael Schellenberg? Let us hope you can persuade many more minds in 2024!

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Jan 1Liked by environMENTAL

Congratulations on your first year of publications. Like you, Doomberg has been a favourite read and others like Kuppy (KEDM) and Roger Pielke Jr. and lately Robert Bryce have been enlightening. I enjoy your perspective and try to share it with my friends -- some of whom actually appreciate a new view on what, here in Canada, would seem to be heresy. Keep up the good work!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by environMENTAL

I was wondering just the other day if anyone like yourself has done an analysis of Tesla's Master Plan Part 3? I most certainly could have missed it, so it may exist. It basically starts out with "The Plan to Eliminate Fossil Fuels" and goes on from there. I saw no mention of nuclear. Would love to hear counter arguments to what they published:


Full disclosure.....I'm admittedly not a fan of the company's bizarre cult members who populate X and YouTube. I'll leave it at that.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by environMENTAL

"We quickly found that as mediocre as we are at writing, we’re even worse at marketing and social media."

Au contraire! It was one year ago yesterday that I posted my first comment to your writing, and you have only gotten better. You have done a splendid job fleshing out some of the most important things affecting our environment. Please, keep up the good work, and Happy New Year!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by environMENTAL

Keep up the good work, environMENTAL! The best way to expose the Marxist ideology you mention is to shine a light where it hides in the dark. I have covered "The Ideology that Captured Our Culture" in my "2026" Substack at https://2026.substack.com/p/the-ideology-that-captured-our-culture

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by environMENTAL

excited to see what 2024 brings

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Keep it up!

Here’s to another year!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by environMENTAL


We will authentically stive for continual improvement. We are not publishing for quantity to feed rankings or algorithms.


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Thank you environMENTAL team. Thank you for your clarity, wisdom and courageous hearts. Thanks for looking after the disempowered and for bringing back into focus the real environmental movement that has been shoved under the rug almost completely. Happy New Year 🎊. I look forward to your notes in 2024.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by environMENTAL

Thank your for your important additions to this discussion, and for providing a source of information that is not tainted by the poor understanding of science that is prevalent in the mainstream media (have any mainstream media "environmental" reporters even taken a science class after high school?) As someone who has spent a long career in the energy industry (with an advanced degree in geoscience), I have grown frustrated by the poor level of understanding coming out of the universities, and have grown weary of trying to educate new hires on this subject, As an example, they seem horrified by methane emissions, and even CO2. I have grown weary of explaining that natural methane emissions likely far exceed industry emissions, and that these are unmeasured. I have grown weary of explaining the half-life of methane in the atmosphere. I have grown weary of trying to explain why I don't believe Net Zero is either economically worthwhile or achievable (and why I believe CO2 sequestration will not change the climate), and grow tired of trying to convince them that the oil industry is not in a sunset phase. It will likely become more technical, more profitable, and continue to exist long after these new hires retire. Yet I see many of them discouraged and leaving the industry after a few years, likely for lower paying jobs that have even less influence on the things they are concerned about. We need voices like yours to provide a balance, indeed to provide a sane look at the false crisis that is actually responsible for a huge increase in quality of life for much of the world.

At one time I believed that the shale revolution could bring about an economic revolution for the third word, undeveloped countries, and I worked toward that aim. If many of these second and third world countries could now access cheap natural gas, they could in turn electrify and industrialize their economies. The people I met that lived in grass huts and herded goats to subsist, might actually be able to have a better way of life (and likely double the lifespan they have now). People in Eastern European countries that subsist on jobs paying $100 a week, despite having college degrees, might actually become well-paid engineers instead of jobs like gardeners and security guards. Farmers in those countries might actually be able to double or triple their crop yields by using fertilizer made from natural gas. But fear of frac'ing created by false narratives, and even paid protestors, convinced many leaders that they should never allow the resources they control to ever be utilized (e.g. Colombia has resources comparable to the Eagle Ford Shale that they refuse to let be drilled and now the national Colombian oil company is forced to drill in the United States). Argentina may finally become the next example of what shale can provide, but most of Africa, even India, have still been bypassed for political, not resource, reasons. I found myself concentrating on US shale where at least it is still considered a useful resource. But the same shift of the paradigm that has again made the United States the largest producer of oil and gas in the world (after many told us we had reached Peak Oil and would never find either new natural gas sources or oil sources), has failed to materialize in most of the world where it would have made the most change and been most beneficial.

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Your writing is reminder that there are still people out there who think logically for the greater good of humanity. Keep it up!

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