Restacked! And no matter how hard they might try, no one can repeal the laws of physics. In the battle between physics and hype, physics will always win.

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Amen. Thanks for the restack!

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What ho! A thoroughly honest accounting of the situation re: corporate and governmental straw grasping with big green tech. The alliance of dunces all virtue signaling their collusive and anti-capitalist corporatism were so blind to reality that many really believed in the "science" and do goodery behind their actions. It is a pleasure to watch them twist collectively in the wind. It is unpleasant that huge amounts of money have been amassed by the activist left in NGOs and other malthusian places that will continue pushing ever greater subsidies and governmental tyranny to counteract the markets natural reactions to pretzel logic and failing green business models. We face a formidable group of very angry lefties crazed with power and hell bent on the worst kind of infamy (H.S. Thompson).

As always eM has a cogent analysis backed up by data. You guys are great.

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German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck Is engaging in the Big Lie in order to buy time.

5 years of pain is a lie as the pain will continue to grow every year if they don’t change direction.

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How do you say "yellow vests" in German?


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Or convoyers

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Great Article! Very informative. Love your Charlitician, (def: government grifter with plausible deniability).

With all these major oil companies scaling back their E&P over the last few years I would think that an oil shortage, (read much higher prices), may be on the horizon as any major project takes years to develop. You can only fire so many bullets from the strategic petroleum reserve.

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Grateful for the vote of confidence. Thanks!

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Wonderful article, keep up the good work!

You have illustrated the sad outcome of prostituted policies of present day businesspolitical cross breeding. The hideous policies of Charlaticians™ (what a wonderful term!) and the C-suite whores of business ready to sell their souls to the highest government subsidy scheme was a warning given in 1961 by retiring President Dwight Eisenhower. I suggest to all, read carefully his farewell address that most people only remember for his "militaryindustrialcomplex" warning. The man was prescient with that as well as the business and educational systems, and we ignored him at our own peril.

Access the hand annotated version of the speech here:


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Thanks! We've referred to it as the Climate-Industrial Complex for almost 15 yrs before we started this site.

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This comment was in today's post of The Honest Broker, as taken from an article in the Financial Times:

Companies rated highly on widely accepted environmental, social and governance metrics pollute just as much as lowly rated companies, research has found.”

No doubt you find that shocking. About the only apt description I can think of for ESG is that it the equivalent of putting lipstick on a pig. Anybody else have a better suggestion?


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Not shocking, long understood.

See our post "Sustainabilchemy - Part 1". (Opens w/BP winning "Sustainability" awards in the ~8 years prior to the Macondo well/Deepwater Horizon blowout in the Gulf.) Note comments about FAS 5/FIN 47. We saw this from the inside. Across industrials.

The lipstick analogy is only partly apt. With lipstick most people still see the pig. The absurd greenwashing around ESG and Sustainabilchemy causes many people to actually see a beautiful unicorn (physical impossibilities as "easy").

We hope to contribute to giving Western electorates the Superman glasses to see the pig. Once that's on the table, reasonable path forward with proper balance is in the cards. And, the West stops harming the global South and its own poor the most (key motivation for us).

But, a big bad Green Zombie metaphorically has to take a piece of rebar in the head first. We wish it were a logical, intelligent being with which people of good will could reason instead.

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Amen! Thanks.

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Seems it never occurred to the ESG movement that it was composed of Woke groups with many different agendas and not a few of them were ideologically incompatible with each other, so now EDS is eating itself.

"Go Woke, Go Broke" applies to them too, it seems!

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The history of the logical ends of Statist ideology proves this to be the case, everywhere. That's how you get planet savers against fossil fuels like Blackrock who are deeply concerned about human rights abuses - the "S" factor - mashed up with Saudi Aramco.

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Good article. Amazing how things change when the rubber hits the road. Reality is a tough pill to swallow... or sweep under the carpet.

In truth, I wish all converts to sanity well as our personal well-being depends on them do so.

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Roger that. All of this, for years, was building up to long-term harm for the least well off globally, in our opinion. When everything is denominated in CO2 emissions, misallocation of capital, misplacement of environmental priorities, misanthropy are features, not bugs.

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I agree. When incorrect priorities fog a mind, human carnage is the result. The activists never have any consideration for your time or money. They will lobby for everything other than productive human beings.

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For them, there is only one denominator: carbon emissions. There is no numerator. It doesn't exist.

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Perhaps we should infer to "help them" to have ZERO carbon in their lives? A nice plastic bag, tied off under the chin might work! 🤣

Do they not realize that if we get down to under 350ppm...we better start to worry.

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BP CEO Bernard Looney... Sometimes the jokes write themselves.

Excellent piece.

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We know, right?!?!


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Great article MENTAL. I always thought the ESG movement was just another wall street scam to syphon money out of the pockets of the retail plebs. Get a teenage girl (Greta) to scream hysterically about her future, the adults in the room nod their heads, the bankers then provide the 'adults' with an avenue to feel better about themselves while allegedly saving the children's futures. Then, a cottage industry of parasitic consultants evolves to help the bankers fleece the public more efficiently before turning their attention to blackmailing major corporations to make generous tithes for their sin of carbon production.

To quote Will Ferrell from Zoolanders, "Does anyone else notice this? I feel like I am on crazy pills."

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One of our favorite energy writers (and fellow Substacker, highly recommend subscribing as he's currently free, like us https://robertbryce.substack.com) Robert Bryce often uses the term "Crazy Town" to describe energy/environmental absurdities.

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Love reading you both.

Robert has been encouraging all the "Stop Solar and Wind" FB groups. There are many of those Davids in the trenches, fighting global Goliaths...with little or no help. They are beginning to stop ao.e of the projects and need all the help they can get. One from Whales just asked for help with a petition. It is so awesome to see these small grass roots groups fighting so hard to save their small farms, foresrs and towns. IF these companies continue to destroy the land...we will have NO food.

Thanks so much for all you guys do to provide vital information that help us. ❤️

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I’ve seen his work and it’s great. Subbed!

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His book, namesake of his podcast, "Power Hungry" is one we recommend.

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Fascinating to watch what happens when ideology runs headlong into reality. Thanks for a great write-up, EnvironMENTAL!

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You're welcome. Thank YOU!

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Is it just me or does that “German Green Party rock star” lock like a young Al Gore? What are the odds...

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Maybe if we take off our glasses and squint real hard.

With our glasses on, he just looks like a guy who'll be looking for another gig in a year or so.

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I guess the cataract surgery (and subsequent YAG) didn’t quite live up to expectations...<sigh>

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Environment Sustainability Governance (ESG) and Net Zero goals in retreat. That doesnt mean the dysfunctional HR and PR bureaus within corporations will go away, nor does it mean the blockage of western infrastructure finance for lower level countries will be removed. Eco imperialism, identity factionalism, and pro-western electoral forms remain inherent to the advertising of western business to global markets, while the cost of infrastructure from the BRIICS beats them on price.

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We like the term Eco-Imperialism (or Eco-Colonialism) for this.

But not sure we want a Chinese nuclear power plant, bridge or building. Just because you can make chips for singing toasters doesn't mean you can make them for fighter jets and driverless cars.

Cheap infrastructure is better than none. We get that for developing markets. We hate to see them get bent over in resources-for-debt deals for that appear as happy development announcements for crappy infrastructure.

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I'm going to enjoy this for a few minutes. Until they find another way to rip us off, and they certainly will. The nicest part? It makes THEM look bad instead of the rest of civilization! They are a bunch of rich, spoiled, stupid, and immature babies.

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Did you mean to leave out unauthentic, preening, hypocrites hurting the poor?


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Aaaaand from Monty Python: brightly-colored, mealy-templed, cranberry-smelling, electric donkey bottom biters.

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How about: too-rich, condescending, spoiled, immature, fake, weak-chinned douche-nozzles with IQs in the low (very low) double digits... who are mean to animals and income-negative persons? They're mean to ugly people, too.

That was fun!

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Aug 2, 2023
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Someone with more time and better data could estimate the CO2 and other greenhouse gases from Mt. St. Helens and other similar eruptions and compare to the aggregate emissions from all travel to all UN IPCC-related events. Every COP, every Working Group gathering, every COP pre meeting, etc. Just for fun.

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Aug 2, 2023
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Ya. We kinda went with it!

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