In a twist of irony, the "drill, baby, drill" party ends up being anything but a boon for the oil industry. While their policies may ostensibly benefit consumers and the broader economy, they do so by undermining the industry. In the realm of commodities, an administration that over-taxes, over-regulates, and restricts access doesn't merely inflate industry profits—it also drives consolidation and concentrates control. A Harris administration boon for inflation-making society poorer-while simultaneously make oil investor wealthier.

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It is counterintuitive. Doomberg has noted this on podcasts recently.

In the long run, we believe one is better for the economy and working class Americans, as respects energy/environmental policy. And it ain't the "we can run a $27 trillion advanced industrial economy entirely on spinning green crucifixes and sun catchers."

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I noticed the sudden appearance of the Harris/Walz platform just hours after I read this new piece. Sadly, the energy and climate portion of the platform is simply an aspirational statement that continues to mask what Harris/Walz will actually do. For a preview of the nuts behind the curtain, check out this work by David Blackmon. https://open.substack.com/pub/blackmon/p/courts-revoking-permits-for-oil-and?r=1qevah&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

I'm not a paid subscriber, so I can't read his entire essay, but I did have a conversation about this issue while at the AAPG IMAGE conference last week. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) biological opinion that allows BOEM to issue permits for oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico has been vacated by a District Judge in Maryland. The judge delayed the action until December 20th to allow existing work to continue, but beyond that, who knows? If, as Harris says, her values haven't changed, then I think that Harris/Walz will continue to try and make it difficult to access energy resources that work.

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Agreed. And the BOEM Gulf permits are only one example.

Thanks for the color and granular industry perspective, Trevor!

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Not only did the judge vacate the BiOP, she knows there is zero chance that NMFS will have a new one by that deadline. It could create a de facto moratorium on any permits.

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Meanwhile, the offshore spinning green crucifix force feed continues......


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She’s also on record for saying in the past one of the “big oil” companies she “took on” was Exxon-Mobil.

But even Politifact called BS on that.

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Politicians says things they knew aren't true.

Most often when their mouths are moving.


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An investigation, yes. A lawsuit, no. In 2016, The Los Angeles Times reported that Ms. Harris, then California’s attorney general, had begun an investigation into “whether Exxon Mobil Corp. repeatedly lied to the public and its shareholders about the risk to its business from climate change — and whether such actions could amount to securities fraud and violations of environmental laws.”

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Harris’ record as Calif. AG hints at aggressive approach to polluters https://www.eenews.net/articles/harris-record-as-calif-ag-hints-at-aggressive-approach-to-polluters-2/

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Well, neither the Green New Deal nor the Inflation Reduction Act are set in stone. I’ve never looked at either Act as the be all to end all. And yes, when employing common sense with knowledge based analytics, one realizes amendments fostering real world adaptations sand revisions are required. The American public seems to finally be waking up to the fact that secure, reliable energy production is more than just political debate fodder. Harris / Walz platform is enforcing the most valued tenants of our republic. Under an administration with that keystone at its foundation, policy can be revisited for real world reality check revisions via legislative bipartisanship. I hope to encourage my state representatives to engage in support of or to introduce meaningful policy changes. Robert Bryce has always proposed a well reasoned pro-energy, pro-human outlook from which to develop a real solution. “Energy realism is energy humanism.”

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It’s hard to see how the Harris/Walz platform is enforcing the most valued tenets of our Republic when you go to their campaign website and there is no platform there.

What did we miss?

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Perhaps what you may have missed is several public engagements that can be viewed on YouTube and the last night of the DNC where Harris and / or Walz spoke to every American. The broad unifying foundational strokes reinforcing Harris / Walz recognized responsibility to "We the People" can now be embellished with the fine lines of explicit policy goals and realistic adjustments to policy made inadequate due to reality checks and innovations in communication and the DOE clean energy technology. Looking forward to the televised debate schedule for tomorrow evening in hopes of hearing more policy detail. Also, I did check out the website and found a section labeled "Issues" accessible from the dropdown menu.

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Ironic, but that "Issues" tab was just added a few hours after we released this post.

We avoid television, so the public engagements you mention are not something we would have viewed as a matter of course.

The policies were not made inadequate due to reality checks and innovations in communication and the DOE clean energy technology. They were inadequate from their conception and inception. Today it is obvious even to the authors, though few will admit it.

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I watched the live streamed events and rallies that the Harris / Walz bus tour campaign made through Florida, Georgia, and Pennsylvania via YouTube. Not a broadcast TV watcher either.

I totally agree that the IRA and GND were inadequate from their conception and inception. That is my point. Those policies various implementations have proven they’re inadequate and not well conceived due to reality checks and increased demands from innovations in communication (mainly AI) and the DOE increasing support of clean nuclear energy since their inception. More attention and consideration must be directed into future consequences of unbridled energy proliferation, which requires more emphasis on collaboration founded in science and physics with less political strife and natural resource degradation.

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When we hear the term "unbridled energy proliferation" all we can think about is Paul Ehrlich ("giving abundant, cheap energy to humanity today would be like giving an idiot child a machine gun", paraphrasing).

IRA and GND were inadequate, in our view, from conception and inception not due to reality checks and increased electricity demands. But on first principles of physics, economics, cost/benefit analysis, risk prioritization, etc. And there is no fixing something that is foundationally -less than sub-optimal in our view.

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please check out the quotation.

probably not from Einstein.

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Duly noted! And edited.


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Top ten list. Good trick!

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Michael Knowles’ trick. Someone showed us a physical copy a few years ago.

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Great article. Ties in nicely with this Allysia Finley opinion piece in the WSJ:


And then the same newspaper published today a lengthy article on China sourcing nickel in Indonesia. One need only look at the opening picture of a nickel mine to (once again) understand that much of the green energy narrative is hogwash. But alas, all the propaganda comes from those who don't live anywhere near these sites:


As to VP Harris, I keep thinking of the first Presidential debate. It was reported that many Biden supporters were "shocked" as his performance unfolded that evening. I found these reactions rather confusing, as all that transpired had been on display for 3+ years for anyone remotely paying attention. Now that VP Harris has been anointed as the Democratic candidate, if the voting public wants 4 years of mindless "passage of time" word salad, then that's what we're going to get.

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California brought this on itself.

The West brought this on Indonesia.

California citizens would not tolerate their landscape being made to look like the image of the Indonesian nickel

mine in the WSJ article. But as long as their iPhones and EV’s keep coming and those mines are out of sight, all good.

In the big picture, this is all just part of the developing world slowing going up the environmental Kuznets curve. But much of it is absolutely driven by “green” mania madness (nickel in Indonesia, cobalt in DR Congo, coal-fired wind/solar and rare earth metals processing in China) and in those locales, “environmental protection” isn’t the top priority. (Or, second. Or third.)

The irony is too thick.

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True on all counts

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Fewer than two-thousand words very well spoken! Keep up the good work of shining the light on political lies and corruption!

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Ha! Thanks!

We’re going to experiment some this fall…

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Had me going for a moment.... actually thought they might have come up with something...

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Two days after her administration bans fracking and other beneficial economic activities on 28M acres of federal lands in Alaska, she has the audacity to lie and claim that neither she nor Biden are in favor of banning fracking. Included in this lock-out is ~40% of the National Petroleum Reserve-A. What's the point of the NPR-A again? Seems more like a cruel joke on the people than a national policy.

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Oh it’s a national policy.

And one that is conveniently absent from the list of her accomplishments on her campaign site.

Which, incredibly, her campaign apparently updated to finally include a platform page. Newly added since our publication, an “Issues” tab!

Can’t make it up! > https://dailycaller.com/2024/09/09/kamala-harris-policy-platform-joe-biden-flip-flop-reversals-trump-ideas/

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I quickly scanned her policy platforms and I see that on tax policy, she promises to roll back Trump's tax reforms so that the rich live by the same rules as the middle class. She's going to do this by creating a set of new rules just for the rich. Coherence and consistency are certainly not her strong suit.

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It would not occur to us to use those words in the same sentence with her name.

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Greatly appreciate your work and excellence in outlining the truth. It’s truly incredible the ignorance of the American people. Little or slim chance any of this makes the TV or Radio “news” Every person that hangs a sign or sticker in support of a particular party/candidate is unlikely to list 5 key policies. Instead they can name countless false narratives they have been brainwashed in to believing by the regular media. Thanks again for starting my day off with a cup of common sense!

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Thanks! Hope the weather is cooling off for the dogs up there!

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Harris housing policy is doing the number one thing the IPCC recommends doing while Trump calls climate “just weather” so mmmmkay. Do I wish more on climate? Yes. But good ducking grief. Kind of wish Harris campaign had put out zero details because this is so very silly.

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It’s not obvious to us that what UN IPCC “Summary for Policymakers” recommends is good policy (risk/reward, cost/benefit).

FYI, as of yesterday when we completed this post, the Harris campaign website did not have an “Issues” tab.

We’re not saying we caused it. Surely it was timed to the debate tomorrow.

But that tab is newly added today amd prior to there were no policies or platform listed anywhere on their campaign site.

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