.....historical usage.

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“According to Betz's law, no turbine can capture more than 16/27 (59.3%) of the kinetic energy in wind. The factor 16/27 (0.593) is known as Betz's coefficient. Practical utility-scale wind turbines achieve at peak 75–80% of the Betz limit.”

When you see installed usage I.e. in production, do the reporting agencies use the nameplate ratings or

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The elites believe there are too many people at their favorite restaurant, too many at their favorite beach, too many at the museum... you get the idea. So how can we prevent people from driving and flying, and spending their free cash?well driving up costs of necessities and taxing them and litigating their freedoms away is how. Meanwhile the elites position themselves at ever level of the green supply chain and laugh themselves to the bank. Yes, they love power and love telling you what to, but they prefer money and quiet streets, and empty airports etc. now throw in eugenics by planned-demics and you get the whole picture. Just leave enough useless eaters to supply their needs.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by environMENTAL

New subscriber here, I enjoy the clarity in your writings. It is a target rich environment.

Some complimentary newsletters here, part science, part satire, much irony, some sadness:

Wind Farms Cause Local and Global Warming

Air friction and circulation can increase temperatures from 0.24 to 0.5 degrees C, and cancel the purported benefits of fossil fuel replacement


Patagucci & North Face: Better Living Through Chemistry and Fossil Fuels

Back to Nature Virtue Signaling Meets Synthetic Organic Chemistry


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Thank for using a word that matters a lot to us: "clarity".

We are not seeking consensus, per se. We ARE seeking clarity.

(Even if in fits and starts as new content creators on Substack. Bear with us!).

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

Regarding clarity and your group of common sense folks, I am a retired chemist with experience in a myriad of chemistries and industries over about 30 years.

I don't publish my real name or bona fides for privacy sake, but feel free to reach out if perhaps I can help or contribute.

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The problem is not the sun and not CO2. The problem is POWER LUST. People who want power over other people’s lives use the broken governments of the world to implement their evil dreams--that the rest of the 8 billion people on the planet bow to them.

Their psychology is profoundly UNSELFISH. They claim it’s for the good of humanity. It has no such aim or expectation. They know that it’s power they’re after, and hope that the world never figures them out. They hope that, because they hate being human, fallible, mortal, and weak. They are the ones without self-respect, without a real self they can trust.

Shakespeare said, “To thine own self be true, and thou cannot then be false to any man.”

It is not hypocrisy that should be attacked it is unselfishness of the kind that makes good people afraid of being cancelled, comedians afraid of telling jokes, enterprising young people afraid of being ambitious in their careers unless they can fool people into thinking they are as unselfish as their “betters.”

After the mines of the Congo are depleted, and the children are dead, who will be blamed? Two words: Western Civilization.

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History is replete with what appeared to be altruism run amok.

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I repeat, AGW is a scam, promoted by a religion that is anti human. Simple logic tells it all. The sun has been heating the earth from the beginning and there has been no build up of heat. Now they want us to believe that if we capture a small amount of solar heat by the use of solar panels, human contribution can be offset. I know they will say that with CO2 in the atmosphere the heat balance changes, but there has always been CO2 in the atmosphere, at times very high levels, such as when the coal deposits were formed..

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Have you started Cobalt Red yet?

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deletedFeb 23, 2023Liked by environMENTAL
Comment deleted
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Doomberg says it best (paraphrasing):

"in all of history, in the battle between platitudes and physics, physics is undefeated". Glad you recognized that.

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