Copper limitations are a fun one. The world's largest exporter of the stuff, Chile, last spring (on their side of the world) had a Constitutional Referendum that if passed would have spelled a bit of doom for that industry.


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Mar 10, 2023Edited
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Oh yeah Anaconda did a lot in Chile back in the day too.

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Lots of material to go at here. Looking fwd to the next installment of "nothing so see here gov".

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Is any human activity truly sustainable? Entropy and all that…

In CA they are replacing solar panels in utility scale solar farms at about 12 years. The panels degrade to the point where the operator cannot make their contract production minimums.

Wouldn’t all those pine trees in Georgia be better left alive to absorb carbon rather than burned as biomass in Europe? If anyone were serious, they could probably make a case for replacing biomass with #6 bunker fuel to reduce atmospheric CO2.

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Burning wood and calling it clean is ridiculous

It has been calculated that to provide the primary energy the USA uses in 1 year would require burning every tree in the lower 48.

As you can only do that once, unsustainable

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We have constructed an era in which reality is not only ignored, it’s actively shunned. Replaced by slick but meaningless statements, mindlessly repeated. “Beyond Petroleum”, etc. Reality is just a subversive tool of the haters, something to be resisted at all costs.

However, some forces remain unmoved by the seemingly unstoppable social narratives. Forces like physics and chemistry.... and money.

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Platitudes (the gambler) over physics (the house).

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Stealing. This is awesome

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