These absurd phrases such as “economic security for all” are beyond stupid. How does one even define that state of being? Does someone serving a life term in prison for murder have such security? After all, they get 3 meals a day, plus a bed, plus clothing, plus healthcare, plus protection from the elements for free.

Also, these types of platform proposals have existed for quite some time. It might be helpful if the party could point to successful examples of implementation elsewhere. I won’t hold my breath while waiting for that answer.

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One of the great espionage novels by Alan Furst is titled "Dark Star." In it, the protagonist, a Soviet journalist named Andre' Szara, is forced to begin doing spy work for the NKVD. In a historical aside, Szara recalls how the country suffered when the Bolsheviks first gained power: "…he lived in a kind of dream world, a mythical country where idealistic intellectuals actually ran things, quite literally a country of the mind. Theories failed, peasants died, the land itself dried up in despair." The quote from Heaton's podcast is not an exaggeration. Great essay! Looking forward to part II.

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What a banger Mental, I eagerly await part 2. The Greens certainly have a long list of wants, sort of reminds me of the line from Caddyshack, "you'll get nothing and like it."

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One of the ten directives of Karl Marx in "The Communist Manifesto" is to centralize the means of communication and transportation by the government. Another is that all businesses, factories and means of production are owned by the government. Jill Stein and the Green Party's policies are virtually identical to Marx. I discuss the 10 directives of Karl Marx in my substack article "U.S. Democracy vs. Marxist Rule" at https://2026.substack.com/p/us-democracy-vs-marxist-rule. Notice the similarities between Marx's policies and Kamala Harris' policies too. There is much overlap.

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Very astute Elizabeth. I would like to see a Venn Diagram between the Greens, the Democratic party, and the National Socialists German Workers Party's 25-point plan. Me thinks there is a significant overlap.

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The National Socialist German Workers Party (the Nazi Party) borrowed many of their ideas from Karl Marx. The overlap between fascists and communists is virtually complete. The policies of Democratic Party and the Greens overlap quite a bit with their totalitarian comrades.

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ISideWith once (years ago) told me i should vote for Stein. Reading this makes me quite glad I did not.

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The single biggest problem with population growth is that the lunatic fringe gets larger. She is at least three and more likely four standard deviations beyond the normal.

I can only hope the number of votes she garners is not reflective of the size of that increment.

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In canada we have a thing called the LEAP Manifesto which is basically the same as this, hare brained idiocy on steroids, but our insane Jacobin federal environment minister Steven Guilbeault would find little to disagree with in there, if we could pry his head open.

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The greens say the quiet thing out loud.

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They do!

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my condolences for deciding to actually read the Green Party platform, but thank you for your sacrifice so the rest of us don't have to. In sum, it showed a remarkable breadth of their complete lack of understanding of either science or economics, let alone human behavioral traits.

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Indeed, but when did that reality ever stop these 'Mentalists from stomping their feet, gluing themselves to inanimate objects, and screaming their demands? I always return to the H.L. Mencken quote, "democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."

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Ha! We do these things so our wonderful, loyal subscribers don’t have to!

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Well said! Thankfully they will get less than 3% of the vote; however, there ar certainly a lot of regressive progressives who would support her if she could win. That should scare the hell out of anyone who believes in even a modicum of freedom and who doesn’t want to consign most Americans to starvation and poverty.

Just think, these know nothings think it would work and bring about paradise throughout the land. Talk about living in a fantasy world!

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👊 it as always! Your side hustle needs a mainstream audience, maybe a token appearance on the Communist news network? I’ll get cable turned on if you get the gig🤠

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We ❤️ you, Dave. Our ring leader is coming to see you and your dogs real soon.

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Medical doctor maybe?

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