Looks like you neglected to mention the fact that India is building quite a lot of solar. And I do mean a lot. Solar’s cheap and India gets 300 days of sunlight per year so it’s in their self-interest. Why so selective with the truth?

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Kudos Again, environMENTAL!

Yes, the Keystone Cops will jet into the land of the oil sheiks, dine on exquisite food, waste countless kWh of electricity, and gnash their chemically whitened teeth, all in hopes of........Getting their own piece of a**. Sorry to be so vulgar, but who can't see through this orgy of opulence all in the name of making mankind live shorter, more miserable lives without efficient, plentiful, and affordable energy?

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I just read Biden will not attend COP28.

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Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Plenary Speaker at COP28 was Dr. Marlo Lewis. In testimony before Congress last March, he said this:

If climate change were a global ecological and economic crisis, we would expect to find evidence of declining health and well-being over the past 50 to 70 years. Instead, we find dramatic improvements in global life expectancy, per capita income, food security, crop yields, and various health-related metrics.

Powerful evidence that the apocalypse is not coming after all.

Testimony of Marlo Lewis, March 1, 2023

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Some years ago we were deposed in relation to knowledge we had about an environmental dispute between two parties.

The party who deposed us sent me us check under state law. The amount was nominal.

We donated it to Marlo/CEI and sent it to Chris Horner. We did so precisely b/c the party who cut the check would be offended their money ended up in CEI's hands.

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Good government lackeys never let facts stand in their way

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The COP event is a site to behold. I've had the (mis)fortune of attending them. It was shocking to see the huge amount of work, money, and time put into the event. Everyone jockey's for the most sought after names to come by their booths ("centers") and dispense their knowledge, to have their programs/initiatives go viral, and most importantly to maintain the climate industry gravy train running full steam towards the economic and energy security cliff it leads towards. The self importance and haughtiness of the place was suffocating. I'll post my take on COP in the coming days to hopefully add to your great 'stack.

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UNFCCC needs to change the name from COP to Climate Comic-Con.

(yeah, we almost used that as a title to this post)

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This tells us all we need to know.

"At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.

"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," she said. Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: "This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”


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Had environMENTAL existed then, it would have been the subject of our next post.......

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I fear that as long as we continue to pay the virtue-signalling class to attend these COP love festivals the impoverishment of the free world will accelerate. Sanity will not return until the money spigot is turned off.

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Why does Kerry's face and manner inspire in me a desire to smash him in the face with a pie while he's on ice skates? Hmm, it could be that he's a facile idiot masquerading as a saviour in Brooks Brothers clothes.

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The skates were a nice curve we weren't expecting.

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The pie isn't enough

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The scary part is just how small the penetration of renewables are and yet how badly all economies implementing them are faring.

Success would be catastrophic

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Great line. That reality will put a lid on this eventually. We're optimistic that day is much closer than it was 3-5 years ago.

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What escapes most all of the green crowd is the ramping rate needed. Over the last 10 years, we've added about 10 GW per year of wind and 3 GW of solar. To reach net-zero by 2050, we would have to install about 150 GW per year or 220 GW per year of solar EACH YEAR FOR THE NEXT 26 YEARS to get the brass ring. The administration crows about this, telling us about all of the construction jobs. Bullshit! You can't build a damn thing if you don't have the land and steel to get it done, not to mention all of the other minerals. And if the rest of the world jumps on this merry-go-round, the price of rare earths will triple, or more.

You are absolutely correct, success would be catastrophic!

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Excellent and REALLY important points! Thanks!

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And 150 or 220 numbers are meaningless as it all goes to zero often meaning you need energy storage that quadruples those costs.

It’s just stupid

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not sure how soon storage will be feasible, at the scale needed to offset 45.4 TWH with renewables. Do we know enough about the technology of storage (including size, supporting infrastructure, waste disposal) to write an intelligent EIS?

Agree the numbers, per se, are meaningless as it all depends on the assumptions made for material intensity. But, they are within the order of magnitude regardless of storage. Do the math on installed capacity needed to recharge storage.

Also agree about the stupidity of it all. Unfortunately, we live in an era where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won't be offended!!!!!

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The discourse between the two of you is precisely why we started this Substack.

This is the place where we are not silenced. And the others are free to bring their offended wisdom here and argue till they're green in the face.

Thank you both very much. Your exchange is encouraging to us and we're grateful for it.

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You're very kind. Thank you. I always enjoy a good discussion.

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As with EVs it will only become possible when the magic batteries are invented.

10 times more power density at 1/10 the cost.


Everything else is simply nonsense.

Need to flush the renewables nonsense here in North America before it’s too late (see germany) and start the reasonably paced build out of nuclear.

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No argument from me on that. Been saying that for 50 years.

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Simply, the morons leading the clueless.

In the meantime they pillory one of the greatest scientific minds of our time, Nobel Laureate John Clauser, because he does not agree.

"Washington Post Attack on Nobel Prize Winning Climate Sceptic Backfires Spectacularly"


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They pillory any one who dares to challenge them.

In the end, they're King Canute, the reality of physics and economics will drown their ideology, and their virtuous utopian crown will be laid on their green crucifix.

They are not King of reality.

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"And ye shall cast pearls before the Green Swine, and therein they wallow in their own excrement"

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Great article to read before getting the day started. In the movie It's a Wonderful Life, Jimmy Stewart's daughter says, "every time an bell rings an angel gets his wings." I have a similar motto, "every time political leaders gather to discuss hydrocarbon reduction I buy a few more shares of XOM."

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Thank you!

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Wow that is a ton of information to absorb in one sitting. I will have to come back for another bite. Thank you.

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We have an awful problem with brevity, conciseness.

As founder/head writer, I own it.

Stick with us. We'll get better!

You're welcome and thanks for being here!

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“If the events of the last two years proved anything, it is that when faced with the choice of darkness and death (physical and economic), citizens and even their most idiotic “leaders” will ultimately choose electricity, heat and living standards over climate policies.”

Ah, once again we encounter the Fallacy of Rationality. Should our “leaders” catch on to the obvious truth that you can’t run a 21st Century country of some 330 million on windmills? Of course they should. Will they? That would require admitting that they have been wrong all along, and that their hated critics (“deniers!”) were right. Never going to happen.

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It is happening right now. Green shoots. We're fertilizing it. We won't quit.

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I admire your optimism. Hope you are right.

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The quote at the top is bonkers. The purpose of the UN is you secure (and obscure) US hegemony. Literally the opposite.

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Regarding the topic of the article (UNFCCC climate process) we believe the quote is appropriate.

It isn't obvious to us how doubling the cost of energy, making electric grids more reliant on weather-dependent generation sources, and debasing the currency to fund Rube Goldberg machines that will provide low quality, intermittent power insufficient to run a modern industrial economy is helping to secure a U.S. hegemony. Curious for your thoughts on that?

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I see your point there, can't disagree.

I think I'm still trying to wrap my head around the ways the new globe-striding elite both subsume and transcend traditional state power structures. When I've used the term "US hegemony" over the years, I've never really meant American interests per se, but rather the fusion of US state/corporate interests in energy, defense, finance, etc. The distinction used to be trivial and ignoring it never caused me problems, but lately that's been changing. As the elite amass unprecedented power, they no longer require America the state to succeed. If cities burn and the middle class evaporates, they'll still have their oases, they'll still have control over critical finance and defense organs to enforce their business interests, *and* they'll have even more leverage over a broken, dysfunctional populace. The UN exists to serve *their* interests, not necessarily America's, and so I guess I need to start parsing my words a little better. Good question.

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think we're all trying to wrap our heads around it. and, render it to the dustbin of history.

thanks for the comments and the discourse!

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US has become the USSA = United States of Soviet America. And is now a wholly owned subsidiary of World Ruling Cult of Corporate Overlords. Mostly Banksters. And all the Bankster cult want out of the USSA is to be the global police force, providing weapons and bodies to beat down any population that dares to challenge the Ruling Tyrants.

The UN is also a wholly owned subsidiary of the same cult. As is the EU. New public enemy #1 will be The Netherlands after they have just elected a Populist Government. Soon looks like Ireland will be under their crosshairs with the revolt brewing there. They've already beaten Britain into submission, corrupted the entire political establishment.

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We are reminded of the words of a former colleague, a British Royal Marine. Who said:

"No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy".

The cult isn't thinking past step one.

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I agree with everything you said here (except for the USSA moniker, which is kinda silly seeing as you've describe an empire owned and operated by private business interests, i.e. not communism). But yes, the US empire is a banking/military cult.

But more to the point, what you said ALSO defies the quote at the top of the page: the bankers and war hawks are not transferring wealth "east" or "south." They may own transnational enterprises, but they mostly *live* in the United States and Europe, and they are transferring their wealth *here.* It's just concentrated with them, so we don't see it.

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They ain't called private business interests anymore. They are called stakeholders and they are in control of our governments. You could call it fascism, the merging of state and corporate power. Marxist-Leninists called the USSR, State Capitalism, only Stalinists and Maoists called it communism. So fascism, penultimate capitalism and communism have a lot in common.

But the correct term for what is happening is called NEO-FEUDALISM or often TECHNO-FEUDALISM. That is truly described in their "You will own nothing" policy. This involves the shifting of ownership to a ruling class, who are no longer subject to the rule of law, or at least different self-serving rules than us serfs must endure. Where even basic human rights enshrined almost a 1000yrs ago in the Magna Carta, are rejected. Where even freedom of thought is no longer allowed.

This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 5 - The Real Great Reset


"...The World Economic Forum's much publicized Great Reset heralds the end of human freedom for all but those at the pinnacle of the new social hierarchy that is emerging with billionaires and technocrats at the top, as the new techno-feudal lords, and everyone else as a surveilled and controlled neo-serf class. This is not the type of world you want liv in...."

This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 6 - The Time to Choose


"...For hundreds of thousands of years humanity has strived against adversity, overcome incredible odds, grown and flourished on this planet. We have not come this far to become mere cybernetic nodes in some soulless AI-driven digital prison. It's time to wake up, to stand together and reject the dystopian Great Reset agenda and then start building a more beautiful world in which human freedom is not sacrificed on the altar of the technocratic state...."

Neil Oliver: ‘…beware, beware, beware!’:


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Sure. Although I reckon we take the premise to different conclusions, I basically agree with you on neo-feudalism, and the menace of state/corporate power working in tandem for an elite. This has been my position for almost a decade now.

Really, my only nitpicks were

1) labeling it "socialism" when the engine is capital. It's neither capitalism nor socialism. It's something new. I think the term techno-feudalism captures it well.

2) I remain unsure what is meant by the quote at the top, which says that the purpose of the UN is to move capital east and south (away from the US and Europe). This is patently false. The UN is a tool of US empire, and that is it.

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asked, answered. and appreciate your reply and comments!

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You think this is bad, just listen to what they are planning right, now. Using oldest dodge in the books, safety, and then privatizing tyranny through insurance companies:

Very concerning message!, Survival Lilly on EU plans for vehicle control:


Regarding point #2. That is happening, but I wouldn't call it a main part of the Overlord's agenda. One thing it does is give them another opportunity to scam easy profits off of every transfer of funds to Developing Nations.

i.e. They use the Climate Change scam to tax the Middle Class (whom they despise) and pay for renewable energy scams in poor nations, which are bought off of wealthy, connected $billionaires like Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg. Or forest preserves owned by Western $billionaires, paid for by our taxes, and they get Carbon Credits which they sell to European companies - we pay for all of that. Easy, government guaranteed profits.

The Overlords are also Malthusians. That's just a fact, even if it doesn't make a lot of sense. You would be best to read that history here:

The Roots Of Modern Eco-Terrorism: From MK Ultra And The Unabomber To Maurice Strong And Yuval Harari:


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thanks for this link!

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Although, banking, multinational corporations, and defense contractors are largely protected by the government thanks to massive lobbying efforts, backdoor deals (e.g. tech companies providing user access to .gov WITHOUT A WARRANT), and taxpayer bailouts. Accordingly, I would argue the proper definition to be economic fascism i.e. the collusion of big business and big government.

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Once the "f" word applies, the descriptor that precedes it is mostly for posterity.

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It's gone way beyond that now. Technically Biden is the leader of Big Government. Does anyone still believe that is true? Even an strong egocentric individual Trump, could do little against the entrenched establishment. Somebody's running it, it sure as hell ain't our elected representatives, and you will have to look to Davos, Geneva, London & Wall St. to find out who.

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No need to throw the word economic in there.

Govt with media and business in lockstep dancing to govt tune with widespread censorship to cover for it.

Just plain old fascism.

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This is not Mussolini fascism. I think we can get way too bogged down in labels, but also, there are reasons we have different words for different things.

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Not exactly, but it shares many attributes, as it does with Maoism, Stalinism, Nazi Germany & the old Soviet Union. The main difference now is everything is done with superficial kindness, they are injecting us "to save us from covid", they are imprisoning us "to stop the spread of disease", or the new plan I linked above they are severely restricting our mobility "in order to reduce vehicle deaths". Instead of beating you with a club, they just take away your ability to buy things, do things, even force you into starvation.

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