In terms of energy, environmental and economic policy, western European voters appear to be fooled if they believe Green central planning manifests as force, control, loss of freedom, and a reduction in living standards unavoidably associated with higher costs (a regressive tax on those with the least). US policy towards them has made them look like puppets which are in need of replacement. Freed from Soviet central planning and diktats, with populations getting wealthier and achieving better standards of living from imported people (immigrants, other country technology and new opportunity, the former East Bloc countries are more conservative and capitalist-oriented due to a new, richer upper class that has developed. They saw Brussels Green bureaucrats ruining it for them much sooner. Worker’s EcoSocialism such as in Iceland, Norway, the end result of Statism is always going to scare the upper ring and leadership, and you only have to see that movie about the US once.

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This is the US corporate game plan winning again. Who pushed for sanctions against Russia instead of peace talks? Who pushed poorly thought out energy policy put together by O&G such as hydrogen and LNG? Who opposes UBI and an automatic transaction payment tax? Who has accepted "Technofeudalism" as the new capitalism? Are tariffs next?

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One can sense that a recalibration of EU polity. The issues of energy, environment, and economic development can’t and won’t go away, but more voices are being heard in Brussels. Net Zero is being put back in the basement and Green Deal put back in ceiling.

Great inside baseball look at the mysterious EU. Thanks, environ.

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Thanks, Stephen!

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The key question is will we learn from the European experiment or must we swallow the bitter medicine ourselves to learn the lesson? The Republicans should put the “green” policies of the Biden administration & the Democratic Party front & center in the 2024 elections. The wasted money, the incompetence, the loss of freedom, the increasing cost of energy, the inflation from increased government spending, the increased unreliability of the electricity grid, and environmental damage. I believe the insane policies attempting to reach net-zero by 2050 will be the greatest boondoggle in not only American history, but in all of human history. These policies will result in great economic harm to those at the bottom of economic ladder and even loss of life. This a critical issue that needs to be addressed NOW!

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It's getting chippy out there. In the U.S. and in Europe!

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Excellent post. Hopefully in the next few years, countries can regain their sanity and flush the "Net Zero" commies down the toilet

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They're starting to circle the drain. But, like a giant log, they won't go down easily.


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Uh, gaslighting what? OK, we'll play along. We're not particularly plussed by the contrails or the weather modification conspiracies.

But if the stuff going up in to air interests you, and everything doesn't have to be a conspiracy, you might like this one. Reduced sulfur in maritime shipping fuel since 2020 is reducing those sulfate aerosols and contributing to warming (less sulfate aerosols, less inbound energy being blocked).

"The amount of radiative forcing could lead to a doubling (or more) of the warming rate in the 2020 s compared with the rate since 1980 with strong spatiotemporal heterogeneity. The warming effect is consistent with the recent observed strong warming in 2023 and expected to make the 2020 s anomalously warm. The forcing is equivalent in magnitude to 80% of the measured increase in planetary heat uptake since 2020." https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01442-3#:~:text=The%20IMO%202020%20regulation%20(IMO2020,clouds%20across%20the%20global%20oceans.

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I already know about the maritime shipping hypothesis. I also know you aren't particularly interested in the truth of chem trails (not contrails). That's part of the gas lighting. I don't know why you bother to call yourselves environ. I'll go along with the mental part.

To call weather modification a conspiracy is fairly silly as there are weather modification committees and boards in almost every state. Look it up. Some states TN, RI, and others have passed bills to ban the aerosol spraying. As you are surely aware, people worldwide are aware of the SAI and SRM activities sponsored by governments. Hard to pass a bill against a conspiracy. I hope you will read on.

The David Keith plan of introducing more sulfate aerosols is well known. The SAI and SRM are increasing cloud cover by cloud creation. Here's an interesting article from Scientific American about that. It contains a lot of double speak, but plunge on. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/clouds-may-speed-up-global-warming/

The depletion of the ozone layer adds to the warming rate. As the ozone layer is depleted by the spraying, this is what NASA says. "The first study reported that although ozone concentrations were increasing in the upper stratosphere, they were still declining in the lower stratosphere. It suggested several possible causes, such as increases in uncontrolled, very short-lived gases produced from human activities that can deplete the ozone layer, as well as changes in atmospheric circulation due to climate change.

The second study identified rising levels of certain chlorinated chemicals, referred to as very short-lived substances, that could continue to deplete the ozone layer."

But I surely appreciate you 'splainin things to me.

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Great post guys. And an excellent explanation of the Euro situation.

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Thank you!

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The WEF/NetZero idiocy was personified by the dying commie Trump debated Thursday night.

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Love that quote at the top, saved into my folder.

All this is happening because the lies are becoming clear. Europeans were told that the green deal would make them richer, electricity “too cheap to meter”, lies constantly told from the start but you cannot hide the dropping standard of living.

The Trudeau Liberals followed the playbook here in canada and if an election were held today they would be wiped out, a historic victory for the center-right conservatives.

Narrative control is in full fight mode though, doing everything they can to try to save them, same as with the demented Biden admin down south.

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Doomberg's quote we incorporated nailed it.

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Another GREAT article, folks! Spot-on as usual. "We should all be grateful to Europe for running the experiment first."

Oh, absolutely! The EU has always been 10-20 years ahead on leftist/socialist/green/same thing policies, and their ways almost always come ot the US after a lag.

But the U Smedia barely mention any of these news items, because they know that it exposes their failings, and they just can't allow that to happen.

However, with the internet and great blogs like environMENTAL, thr truth is reaching the unwahsed masses!

And I pesonally beieve that the sea-change away from the left is because they have become "The Man" that their 60's progenitors railed against, and that today's youth sees them with the same disdain as that time.

It's long overdue, generational, and completely unstoppable....

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Thanks! We appreciate your kind words.

It would be something if today's youth were to see them with the same disdain.

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Credit where it is due, my friends!

My son just graduated High School this month, and I am constantly amazed at just how conservative he and his friends are, all without much prompting from we adults.

I call them "The Covid Generation", becuase they suffred mightily during all the school lockdowns, and they got a BIG taste of the heavy hand of government, and it made them distrust it.

The same is happening via the left's climate overreach, which has been in place for even lomger in the EU, hence the youth there swinging WAY to the right in the recent elections there.

Humans crave freedom as much as the worldwide left despises it, and as Doomberg says, "Elections are popularity contests", and the left is no longer popular....

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Mine graduating college in 4 weeks. Same.

But, like me, he's an avid outdoorsman. So that's got something to do with it.

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Congratulations to all of you! Out-standing.

Mine is as well, and he's just plain free-spirited, which also helps.

The times, they are a-changin', and AWAY from the 60's brats who first brought Marxism into the mainstream.

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They were also ahead in chopping up children who are confused and they are running away from that as fast as they can, this shows that people can actually learn.

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Yep, the left chose the wrong group ro champion with the trans madness, and that turkey is coming home to roost.

Beware poking the Mama Bears....

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It's a shame things have to get ugly, painful and costly before they do.

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I believe more and more people around the world, and in the US specifically, are beginning to understand the premise that energy = life and energy = the economy. As that becomes clearer, the rejection of the green politics is going to grow ever larger. I think it is a large part of Trump's popularity that he dismisses the Green new deal and wants to increase US energy production.

But you are correct, I fear things could get quite messy in the next months.

excellent summation of the situation in Europe which gets far too little press on this side of the Atlantic

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The "energy = life and energy = the economy" concept is still not widely enough understood.

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Third morning in a row I’ve been treated to outstanding posts on Substack. Well researched and well written in all cases. Thank you for your efforts with this one. It’s very illuminating. I am concerned these European greens may steal AOC to dance on stage at their future campaign rallies. That might turn the tide back in their favor. Voters would simply ignore getting hammered by inflation.

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She, Greta, Gore, Kerry, Jesus, Moses and Allah could all dance on stage together. It won't save them from the laws of physics and economics.

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I would welcome them stealing AOC. they can keep her!

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Did you see that video of her?

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alas, I did

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I shake my head as to how low standards have fallen.

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(Debate Thursday night. Same)

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To be fair, that was an old video, when she was in uni?

Not defending here

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It was last Saturday at campaign rally for Bowman. Look it up. Embarrassing

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"This is a learning moment for America, Canada, Australia, and Japan if we are lucid and honest enough to grasp it. We should all be grateful to Europe for running the experiment first."

I would dearly like to see the US & Cdn press report more on what is going on in Europe but fear that the NAmer populace (& govt leaders) are still too myopic to get the import of the damage being wrought in Europe.

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All we can do is report, hope to grow enough to contribute to the knowledge necessary to change things. And, we will.

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The media here are portraying it mostly as far right racists against immigration

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Having spent much time in rural SK and AB, that portrayal is a shitty scapegoat.

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In this new world, green means red. Farmers are lost, and many don't understand the true threat, which is a wireless surveillance state. Wireless radiation from the digital climate gulag will ruin the soil microbiome: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/soil

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Well we haven't seen that one before.....

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The truths were very well outlined. We have tractors and manure. Not wanting to use it but feeling like it’s becoming a closer reality….. so sad. Great work!

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As the world's most interesting man would say:

"Spray thirsty, my friends".


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If the energy and food producers were not so amazing at producing both at incredibly affordable prices and in abundance the apathetic public would be forced to wake up/revolt or suffer greatly.

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Unfortunately, here in the US, we insist on repeating the mistakes of Europe rather than learning from them. But this story gives me hope. Eventually we might just come out of this madness, although they will surely find a new one to enslave us.

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It's slowly changing.

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